Horaire des comptoirs de la perception et de la cour municipale

Les comptoirs sont ouverts du lundi au jeudi de 9 h à 12 h et de 13 h à 17 h. Le vendredi, celui de la perception est ouvert de 8 h 30 à 13 h et celui de la cour municipale est fermé.

A word from the mayor

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English language content.
Dear citizens,
Dear visitors,
Welcome to the City of Saint-Hyacinthe’s website. Here you will find a wealth of useful information about our beautiful municipality. Saint-Hyacinthe is a dynamic and welcoming city. Proud of its past and oriented towards the future, the municipality has many assets to seduce the hearts of families, businesses and visitors.
Our centers for conventions and higher education, as well as our attractive human-scale downtown area, are proof of our openness to the world.
Saint-Hyacinthe is a city where it’s good to get together for a better living. A city driven by the values of sharing, mutual aid and proximity.
Here, we run the city with integrity and transparency. Therefore, we have a policy of openness and sound management.
Since society is evolving, the City must keep up with the times to meet the expectations of its citizens. In this regard, we rely on communication, citizen participation and a constructive and concerted approach.
This beautiful quality of life is made possible by numerous partnerships and the commitment of all the community’s vital forces.
Together, we are cultivating our Maskoutain pride!
Enjoy your visit, and don’t hesitate to send us your comments.
André Beauregard
Mayor of Saint-Hyacinthe
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